The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

Student Reviews

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2.75/ 5


4.17/ 5

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3.67/ 5

Student Life

2.92/ 5

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Drama, Year 2

(4.8)·By Zoubida O·Drama· Jul 2021
Very informative, and a good way to meet friends and people from my course I am not on student accommodation but I know there is a student union in place to help students find accommodation across London Facilities are ok considering it's a very small university. It's very easy to find and access what you need - rooms are spacious but hard to allocate sometimes I love the course. It's a training course, so, we learn in depth the different techniques that can be applied within the dramatherapy setting. Lecturers listen to you and there is always room for feedback on my MA course I've lived in London all my life so I see it as home, nothing much changed for me in that sense. But I do feel lucky and privileged to be studying in the capital
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Student Reviews (12)

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Drama, Year 2

(4.8)·By Zoubida O·Drama· Jul 2021
Very informative, and a good way to meet friends and people from my course I am not on student accommodation but I know there is a student union in place to help students find accommodation across London Facilities are ok considering it's a very small university. It's very easy to find and access what you need - rooms are spacious but hard to allocate sometimes I love the course. It's a training course, so, we learn in depth the different techniques that can be applied within the dramatherapy setting. Lecturers listen to you and there is always room for feedback on my MA course I've lived in London all my life so I see it as home, nothing much changed for me in that sense. But I do feel lucky and privileged to be studying in the capital
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Drama, Year 2

(4.8)·By Daniella F·Drama· Jul 2021
Very good variety of clubby and low key events like quizzes in the SU bar Primarily central is all private renting! But they are very helpful in putting you in contact with ethical estate agents Very lucky! Multiple studios, theatres and very good lighting equipment All of my lecturers are Dr's in there field and still go on research leave to keep everything fresh Love London, access to as much theatre as I want has been essential to my theatre degree
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Drama, dance and cinematics, Year 1

(4.5)·By Ellie J·Drama· Oct 2018
It is very formal and fun to be in! Great lecturers and amazing facilities!
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Music, Year 2

(4)·By Beth D·Music· Oct 2018
Uni has been really great as it has allowed me to grow up so much as a person (finally learn how to cook and use a washing machine) at the same time as really appreciating what my family haven done and still do for me. I wouldnt be where I am without them! I have made amazing friends around all the courses and it has made me more confident as a person and finally learn the routes around London! Sometimes uni has challenged me such as with deadlines, travelling alone at night, learning to handle money/bills/drinks etc but as everyone says all those challenges are apart of growing up!
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Drama, Year 3

(3.8)·By Kiren K·Drama· Jul 2021
Our freshers week was good and had a varied number of events through two weeks. But this years freshers for the new first years, which I helped organise, had to be 100% online due to covid and whilst it was fun and received well, a lot of students have said how it's been hard to meet students from other courses / years. Hopefully when things settle we will be able to do a “Re-Freshers”. All of our accommodation is self provided. There are private halls near by at the Nido Compelx but now students decide to rent a house with Friends. This year due to Covid I have decided to move to my own place and commute. We had a new building open last year which has added some amazing new spaces and studios. The facilities in general are really good at central with a mix of modern rooms and rooms that are filled with history. The student Union bar was also recently renovated and holds really good events throughout the year, this year due to Covid that hasn't been possible though and it's been hard to recreate that online. The course I study is one of three acting courses at central, BA Acting Collaborative and Devised Theatre. It's a unique course which approaches acting from not only a classical point of view, but also through exploring our own creative voice. This approach, paired with world class Lectures, creates a unique training that I believe is the best chance at being a well rounded and versatile actor which is ever more important today. Living in the city has it perks and cons. It was co venue t to get to school so quickly and if one mode of transport failed there were other options. However, it's much more expensive to rent and to travel. I think it is Important to be close and in the city for at least your first year.
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Drama, Graduate

(3.8)·By Greig M·Drama· Jul 2021
2 weeks long, full of variety and freebies to get. Very social No official accommodation. As it is part of the UOL they have 3/4 allocated spaces in their halls but most students will need to house share or go to private halls but they do offer sharers days for you to meet potential housemates going to the same uni as you and potential landlords Fair good, the student union bar was basic but has since gone under remodel but always provided a great night. Library was well equipped for all subject matters Wide choice and opportunities to take the learning path you like Great. As it is London there's always somewhere new to go, lots of expensive places but there are a fair amount of cheaper clubs and cheap theatre tickets ect
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Drama, Year 2

(3.5)·By Naomi R·Drama· Apr 2019
Lots to do, loads of different events

There is no accommodation with the university however they do days where you can meet people who’s need to find somewhere to live

Lots of different rooms, studios etc. Got a SU bar and good library!

All industry professionals, very interesting topics! Broadening horizons in theatre

Lonely - however once you meet people it’s okay.

Lots of theory and what you learn about may surprise you. It’s interesting but be prepared to be challenged. Final term of 1st Year is 100% practical!
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Performing arts, Year 1

(3.3)·By Lia H·Drama· Oct 2018
I have just graduated from Brunel University with a first to do my MA in music theatre at central. Masters don't provide us with maintenance loans so I'm really struggling with living expenses and finding a job. The training is great here and the teachers are so helpful and enthusiastic about their trade
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Performing arts, Third Year

(3)·By Dixie N·Drama· Oct 2018
Long hours, expensive travelling as in London, but great experience with 1:1 lessons. Stressful and anxiety fuelled, but I'm surrounded with amazing like-minded talented people who help each other get through the hard times- which is most of the time!
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Mixed bag

(2.8)·By Alexandra C·Drama· Jun 2023
No university accomodation available but a sharers day arranged where I met housemates
Course was creatively stimulating but not intellectually stimulating until second year
Facilities weren't great- library wasn't open long enough hours
Canteen did a banging chips and beans tho
The SU building was tiny, poorly managed and had frequent crimes committed outside
The SU itself had high student engagement
Social life was good- though not many societies on offer
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