PERSONAL STATEMENT EXAMPLES Nursing personal statements

Discover personal statement examples written by students accepted onto nursing and related courses. Read through the examples to help shape your own personal statement.

Nursing Personal Statements

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Top 10 for Graduate Prospects (Complete Uni Guide 2025).

Choose one of the UK's top rated Nursing courses at Swansea University. With half your lessons in healthcare settings, you'll gain essential experience with placements in the NHS.

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Study a top 10 Nursing Degree in the UK (CUG, 2024).

Maximise your ability to help people with Nursing at Roehampton! Benefit from exceptional facilities and learn to support people physically and mentally. Find out more here.

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Choose one of the UK's top rated Nursing courses at Swansea University. With half your lessons in healthcare settings, you'll gain essential experience with placements in the NHS.

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